Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Booting Android from external SD on Kobo Aura HD

Looking through for information about running Android on Aura HD I've stumbled to the idea to run Android from the external SD. I started to investigate this matter and as a result I was able to realize this idea. You won't even need to disassemble the device. Below is a short instruction on how to run Android from the external card.

The first thing you need to download the SD card image with Android: 2014-02-02_Android_Kobo_AuraHD.7z. Here is the updated image: 014-02-28_Android_Kobo_Aura_HD.7z. Or here: To create a SD card from this image you need Flash Drive Image Writer and at least 8GB miсroSD card. You can use micro SD card up to 32GB, you only need to move the last two partitions to the end of the card and extend the first partition. After you create the card you'll need to delete the folder .kobo from the created SD card. (Only for the old (2014-02-02_Android_Kobo_AuraHD.7z) image).

Now you are ready to install the patch that lets you run Android from the external SD. First we create a backup internal SD card. You need to install this patch (, otherwise the device won't see the external card, which will be used to save the backup. Connect your device to your computer through USB and unzip to the folder named .kobo which is located on the device. Next you need to safely unmount and disconnect the device from the computer. Then the device will be upgrading and rebooting. Creating a backup is a long process, it took me about 15 minutes. Now you have to download the main patch ( Connect your device to your computer through USB and unzip to the folder named .kobo which is located on the device. Next you need to safely unmount and disconnect the device from the computer. Then the device will be upgrading and rebooting. During the upgrade will be created backup, so be prepared for a long wait.

After the device will reboot you will be able to choose which system to boot. If you press the backlight button when the device turns on then Android will boot from the external SD card which was created earlier. If backlight button isn't pressed the standard firmware will boot from the internal SD.


  1. I've received requests from the owners Kobo Glo and Kobo Touch to make it possible to run Android from the external SD on their devices. I made images of SD cards with Android and patches for these devices. The installation procedure is identical to the procedure for Aura HD, except that you need to take the appropriate files for your device.

    For Kobo Glo:

    For Kobo Touch:

    1. Hello,

      Can I use the Kobo Aura HD image on a Kobo Auro not HD ?


    2. If you have a Kobo Touch without internal SD card these instructions will brick your device.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. could u please reupload files...try or similar
    i have a kobo aura hd...and wouldn't mind trying this out

  4. Any chance of bricking my Kobo?

    1. Tiny little. But you can open your device and restore internal SD from backup.

    2. Hello there. I know that this is a little out dated but I will try anyhow 8). My Kobo N905 with external sd card stoped booting. It's stuck on the 5 dots. Pc is not noticing afer usb plug. I tried to boot from SD ... no way. Is there any hint or idear how I could make it work ? Thanks

  5. If you still have your dual-boot ready, can you do me a favor? As I use my Kobo mainly for reading, I am most interested in whether I could install (from Play Store) Aldiko or Mantano app. The free versions are good enough.

    Previously I had a rooted Sony T1 ereader running same Android, but Aldiko and Mantano both aborted during installation. I don't want to go through the exercise and discover it's also a futile experiment. :)

    Thanks very much, my friend.

  6. I did test but found wifi error. please advise.

    1. Yes, on Aura HD wifi, USB, frontlight and cover sleep aren't working yet. I'm working on it.

    2. Thank you very much. You are the best.

    3. Hi Angor, when can we expect to get complete useful rom for Aura HD ? I mean wifi, USB are most important. Awaiting your early news !

    4. Yes, you can. I've already done it. Wifi, USB and rotate tap zones are working now. Patches and instructions are coming soon.

    5. You are the best :) Thank you!

    6. Angor You are amazing. I updated you latest rom. Wifi, frontlight, cover sleep, USB are perfect. But it seems the battery percent and time can not update with net correctly. And the wifi connection is steady enough. Anyway I'm very happy with the current one. Expect to see further improved rom from you.

  7. Hi Angor,

    first of all thanks for your effort.

    I followed every step of your description, but at the end I only get white screen or native kobo version.

    Is there any specific combination of the turn on button and backlight, I've tried with more ore less time, waited for blinking finishing, with both buttons hold, and so on.

    Again thanks for your job and patience

    1. What the Kobo version do you have? Aura HD, Glo or Touch?

    2. Sorry, I forgot to mention Aura HD

    3. It's very strange. It looks like you have an incompatible hardware. Is it exactly Aura HD, but not simple Aura? What model name is written on bottom face of your device near the USB connector? I have "N204B" model.

    4. Yes it's same model, so let me review what I understood from your comments just in case I misunderstood something:
      I'm using microsd HC type 4 8GB, format FAT32.
      With USB Duplicator Image I write image 2014-02-02_Android_Kobo_AuraHD on micro SD.
      I delete .kobo file and all its contents from SD card.
      With MiniTool Partition I extend partition KOBO EXTSD of SD card from 5.5GB to 6.5GB (maximum)
      I install card in Kobo reader while is switched off.
      I switch on kobo reader and connect it to the PC (a message appears that can not recognize micro SD) then unzip to the folder named .kobo of the e-reader memory, after unpluging the e-read from the PC, updates&re-starts quickly.
      Again appears message error for micro SD then I connect e-read to the Pc and put unzipped contents to the folder .kobo of the e-reader, after unpluging the e-read from the PC, update takes looong time&re-starts.
      Finally I tried several combinations but all I get when pushing backlight button is white screen.
      I checked that on external SD back up image was created.
      I tried with & without extending partition but result is the same.
      Any idea about what I'm doing wrong?

      Thanks again for your time and work!

    5. It seems the problem with SD card. Try to use another card and take 10 class card.

    6. Hi Angor!
      First at all thanks for the incredible contribution!
      I have an Aura HD and first was not able to start up android as well by simply pushing the light button. But by pushing and let it go at an interval of ~1s it does run up. Perhabs there is a capacitor involved so an impulse is needed at the right time.

    7. @Javier RivedFebruary 16, 2014 at 12:17 AM
      Solved: samen problem here: sd card warning

      After you wrote your Android image to SD you need to change the order of partitions on disc.
      - Open your SD card with a partition manager
      (mini tool partition wizard in my case)
      - Youll see: unlocated space/big partition/small part./small part./unlocted space
      - Change order: unlocated sp./big partition/unlocated sp./small part./small part.
      - Change value of big partition: merge big part. and unlocated space
      - do it
      - try again: Kobo should read the card without any warnings

    8. @PansenSchim: Hey, what am I doing wrong? I manage to change the order of the partitions by moving them to the end of the card, but every time I extend the big partition, the small parts disappear as soon as the big part is extended with the smaller part of the unallocated space (the one with approx. 15 MB). If I however extend the big partition only one time, the smaller unallocated space remains on the card, so that I get following file structure: small unallocated space (approx. 15 MB), big partition (approx. 6,52 GB), small partition, small partition. I use an 8 GByte MicroSD-Card from Transcend and the same partitioner as you do (Mini Tool partition wizard).

  8. I have just purchased a Glo, and I'm a bit confused about a detail. When I add the files above, and a backup is made, where does the backup go to? And what can I do with the backup file? And is the backup file made a direct copy of the original backup so I can restore the device 100% back to original state (ie. before copying those files across?)

    1. "where does the backup go to?"
      The backup file was written into the folder named ".KoboBackup", and the file called "KoboFirmware.img".

      "And what can I do with the backup file?"
      You may do with this file all you want. You can remove this file or save it.

      "And is the backup file made a direct copy of the original backup so I can restore the device 100% back to original state (ie. before copying those files across?)"
      Yes. This file was made using Linux "dd" command. It was created on case if you had bricked your device. In that case you would restore your device from this file.

    2. Thanks for your reply.
      So, I connected my Kobo Glo which is running Kobo version 3.1.1 to my USB drive. Then I unzizipped (which conains 1 file - Koboroot.tgz) and I placed the file KoboRoot.tgz into the .kobo directory and nothing has happened. I disconnected my device, I rebooted my device. Nothing. Is something supposed to appear on screen to tell me that something is happening?

    3. Sorry, it does work. I didn't realise I had to press and HOLD the button at the top while turning on the device.
      Thanks so much!

  9. Maybe it is a stupid question but how to turn on the backlight on Aura HD.
    The button function seems to be overwritten to "Back" button.

  10. but touch do not has the backlight button

    1. I guess you use the home button instead but I don't get it working.

      The led lights up blue -> white -> green -> off and the screen goes white. Then nothing happens but I guess it's on because I have to hold power for about 10 sec (led lights green) and then press power shortly again without homebutton to get back to "Kobo OS".

      How to troubleshoot?

    2. my kobo touch is n905-k-jp-b,maybe it is not suitable for this

      I try many times,and the light becomes blue-green-red,then nothing.

  11. Hello Angor. I`m using Aura HD.
    I followed your discription, but there is some question.
    Is the first partion is KOBO external SD??? and the second and third is android data and system???
    And..... My Aura HD boot up with KOBO os but not android by light button + power button.
    Please help me. thank you

  12. hello Angor! any new about the wifi and USB fix? i'm just waiting that patch to install on my aura HD, also I wat to thank you for all you good work and good will to share you knowledge.

  13. Before I try this on my Kobo Glo, will the frontlight still work in Android?

    And will be I able to load in an e-reader like Moon Reader or Alkido?

    1. I have niether Kobo Glo nor Kobo Touch. I have Aura HD only. Any questions about Glo and Touch had better ask here - or here -

    2. Thanks very much for your assistance and hard work to guide us. It's much appreciated!

  14. Hi Angor. A lot of thanks. Your work is awesome. I tested the patches uploaded by you in the All is fine now, but there is a problem with apps reflowing text like coolredaer, repligo reader or mantano reader. In lanscape mode there is a diagonal line cutting and moving a little the text. With coolreader in lanscape mode with 270 degrees text looks fine but tap zones are gone crazy and the Aura HD becomes unresponsive. I tested two times with two different sdcards with same results.

    1. You have to reapply the patch because I found some problems with the transition to the suspend and resume mode.

    2. Hi Angor. Patch reapplied. The problem with lanscape mode and text reflowed still remains with coolreder, but is disappeared with ezpdf and with repligo. In coolreder landscape mode 270 degrees is still unuseable because the tap zones are lost. Maybe is a coolreader problem.Thanks again. Your work is really amazing.

  15. Hi guys.Is it something wrong with the SanDisk Ultra micro sd hc 1 32Gb class 10.My Aura HD N204B doesn't recognize it.I've tried 4 times to run the android but in vain.Can sombody confirm that this type of sd card won't work with Kobo?

  16. Hi guys ...
    I'm a little bit confused here ... in the description, it has been mentioned that we should delete the .kobo folder from the SD card that we creat based on the image. I used the image for Kobo Touch and there isn't any folder called ".kobo"! the only place that I have it, is on the main memory of my device ... Would you mind helping me if I am making a mistake ...

    1. This should have been done for the old image (2014-02-02_Android_Kobo_AuraHD.7z).
      You needn't do this for the new image (2014-02-28_Android_Kobo_Aura_HD.7z).

  17. Great job! Very nice!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Could i get single boot image to exchange internal memory?

  18. Is this possible with Aura? (Not HD) If not, why?

    1. Aura do not have microSD slot

    2. strange looking at their official website the Aura should have a microSD slot

    3. I am also curious about the Aura 6" running android.

      It seems that there is not an internal micro SD slot (like the hd) on the aura 6", only the external slot.

      This may have something to do with why we don't have an android port yet.

  19. I can successfully boot into Android on Kobo Touch, but after connecting the USB cable, and being prompted a few German questions, the device got into tolino mode in German and will no longer go back to the android main page.

    Restarting doesn't help either, I will have to refresh the SD card again. Hopefully this will not happen everytime I connected to USB.

    1. how did you get it to open in Android? I have tried holding down the Home button whilst powering up, but I ended up with a factory reset!!

  20. I may have missed something. I just did the dual boot like you described and everything is in Russian. Is this supposed to happen? I have no idea even where to go to find the settings to configure wireless. Then I want to go to the marketplace or google play store and download a couple of apps. I am completely stuck. Help.

    Actually my power off screen that I just invoked looks like German "abbrechen" etc.

    1. In "Application" select "Настройки"(Settings)->"Язык и клавиатура"(Language & keyboard)-"Выбрать язык"(Select language)->English (United States)

  21. Hi Angor,

    Thanks a lot for all the hard work. I just have a question about the backup process. Does the backup image go onto an external SD card? If so, does that mean I need two external cards (one for the backup and one for the android image)?

  22. Nevermind. I was reading the SD card as being nearly full, when it was actually nearly empty. Thanks for the assist!!

  23. Thanks for your work...I used well...
    But I find some bug..
    First clock not working..
    Second battery indigate not working..
    There are same time and same % booting moment..

    1. And I can't use google market..error 921..

    2. I found that clearing the data in three apps - Google Play Services, Google Play Store, and Downloads - helped to get the market app to work. Good luck :-)

    3. Can partially confirm. I was able to adjust the time to an accurate setting. However, the battery does sometimes seem to be inaccurate (especially if it is charged while in Android).

    4. Oops. In regard to time, can now confirm that it does not change from what it was at the time of booting.

    5. IIya's clearing of data allows me to get things from Google Play, although I wasn't able to buy things that way (kept getting an error). I had to buy it via browser on desktop, and then next time I used Google Play, it downloaded it for me.

  24. Hello Angor! I've been using your image with great success to expand the horizons of my reading (allowing me to use lots of dictionaries not otherwise available on Kobo). Thank you very much for your work! :-)

    Question for you - is it possible to adjust the brightness to a low setting? For me, the frontlight turns off completely when it is turned down (brightness between 0 and 13%). As a result, the lowest brightness setting is much brighter than in the original Kobo firmware. Is it possible to turn the brightness all the way down for nighttime reading?

    1. Confirming that brightness starts at 13%...

  25. Hello, i'm french.
    my kobo is a touch kobo.
    When she create the backup during a few time and after she display restarting.
    Now the tablette is brick on restart. the buton reset isn't foonctionnal.
    can you help me please?

    1. Same Problem here, cant factory reset either, only get it to a steady blue light or a blinking, or a green when charging, screen is frozen at 'restarting', and I cant connect it to pc

    2. so any advice as how to get the firmware back on?

    3. Yep, same here. I suggest these instructions wont work with a Kobo Touch. If you want to brick your kobo the instructions are top notch

    4. Happened the same... Put your android SD back... then you can see the files from USB. Either install another firmware...

    5. I have the same problem! I try many times to do a hard reset with multiple combinations of home and switch button without success.
      My Kobo Touch is a brick!
      Guys please don't try this tutorial is very dangerous if you have a main memory sd encrusted into the device.

  26. Hi Angro!!!
    I found something interesting. Korea's e-book reader that supports the ICS.
    Whether it can be applied to AURA HD wonder.

    Here is the link

  27. A couple of questions:

    What version of Android does this use? I think it is Gingerbread (2.3) but I want to be sure.
    How has the Aura HD been for people as a whole? I hear some complaints about software and firmware glitches and so-so reliability.
    Finally, when I had a Nook Touch, people found at XDA that the SanDisk class 4 microSD cards worked better for running a ROM than almost any class 10 card. I can't give you the technical reasons, but I also found it to be true.

    1. So far, I love this setup. The only down-side is that the Kindle apk doesn't do eink refresh (even the eink friendly kindle app I found on xda forums) .

  28. Sorry, I meant a Nook Color, not a Nook Touch!

  29. Hi, kobo touch hasn't the backlight button, what shall I do? I've tried pressing home button while switching on the kobo but the led turns red (never happened before) and nothing else happens and I have to reset it. If I press the home button and then I switch on the kobo (while still pressing the home button) the led turns green (fixed, not flashing). Some advice?
    Ps I bag your pardon for my english, is not my first language.

  30. Hi Angor,

    I'm using OSX Disk Utility to create the flash image on a 32G SanDisk Card. How should I extend the partitions so that they are at the end of the card? I can't get the system to update from the SD card.

  31. Hi Angor,

    Thanks so much for this, it works quite well on my Kobo Aura HD! Is there a way to set the rom so that it boots by default to Android and to boot to Kobo OS I would press the light key?

  32. Hi Angor,

    I did everything you wrote, but I can't turn the Aura HD with your rom. I have the same model as you, and I have a sync on it yesterday. Can you tell me what could the problem is? I tried to turn it on with many combinations of the light and turn button, but it does not work.

    Thank you in advance,

  33. Hello Angor, thanks for the awesome post.
    I'm not familiar with this kind of stuff and tried to follow your instructions but I cannot even get through the first step. It keeps saying an error occurs when I wrote the image file to the 8GB class 4 micro SD card. Is it because the class is too low?
    By the way, suppose one day I want to restore to the original setting. How do I use the backup file to restore to the way it was?

    Thanks you.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. (deleted because i found the answer i was after)

  35. Hi Angor,
    is there any way to change the date and time? This is very important for the program I am running.

    Thanks for this BTW!

  36. Thank you very much :)

    - kobo aura hd

  37. It is possible to try it on kobo mini ? Thanks

    1. I would also like to try Andorid on Kobo Mini. Is it possible?

  38. Kobo aura 6" have same spec as hd. So, could you make a port of android on it?

  39. Hi Angor:
    Thank you for excellent instructions.
    I am preparing to upgrade my Kobo with Android.
    Just 2 questions:
    1. I will use 32 gb micro sd card, should I create partitions you mentioned or it is already formatted and I just have to resize them?
    2. In case of a problem where can I find backup to restore internal SD?
    Thank you in advance,

  40. Fantastic work! I have one request - how do I make it so that it boots android off the SD card by default (no button pressed) and only boots Kobo OS when pushing the light button? I have Kobo Glo. Thanks!

  41. Hi Angor,
    Can you make it for kobo aura 6"?
    Thank you for your hard work.

    1. Or please let us how we can make ourself... :(

  42. hi. I trying to instal Android long time) days))and now its working!! thanks wary match for this options. ( My problem was instal image on sd . all go in way, wen I delete folder cobo from sd card...i thing what was problem)) )
    Thank a lot for your work!

  43. Thanks for the great job! Everything works fine, but kobo rotate app. When opened, it shows me a window with the button "Toggle screen orientation" which really changes it's orientation until I press "back" or "home". Then screen returns to the vertical position, so finally I have no idea how to stabilize it in landscape position. What should I do to make it working properly?

  44. is there any persian/arabic support in this version?
    because i heard that persian words will shown as separate letters....
    if negative,is there any hope to add this feature in future?

  45. Any image for the Kobo aura 6" ?

  46. Or could you please indicate the modifications to apply on the aura hd image to adapt it to the hd 6".
    Thanks for your help !

  47. I feel stupid: connecting my N204B to my computer via USB, I can't see anything else but the books in the library. No way to gain control of the android section, no.kobo dir, no way to unzip files in the reader.
    What I'm missing?
    Thank you

    1. Really stupid: the file browser was hiding .name directories.


  48. Hello, how's the battery life goes with the full Android OS? Since it seems that the full Android OS might be too heavy for the hardware itself. (Maybe?)

  49. Hello,
    sadly Android installation failed on my Kobo Aura HD, I'm unsure if it doesn't recognize the micro SD (the SD Reader is really bad build IMHO and it is probably defective) I have done pass 2 but the third seems to not install anything... in any case the backup doesn't start and the Kobo sometimes says that the SD is not formatted, other times does not see simply nothing

    So I'm asking to you:

    1. How to see if the Kobo recognizes the SD with the original firmware
    2. My SD is a Sandisk of 8 GB, do I have to buy another? What do you have used?
    3. Kobo has closed the "hole" as Sony did and now it is impossible to install Android into this questionable quality device[1], too?

    I add this the SD image after being installed onto the card was strange at least seeing it with "MiniTool Partition Wizard" I add this setup:

    30 MB (empty) | 6.5 GB (Android? Fat32) | 128 MB (Android System - Ext4) | 500 MB (Android - Ext4) | 1.0 GB (empty)

    IMHO is the first 30 MB partition that gives problems sadly I have not found a working way to merge with the first one or "Minitool" does not works or it is a Windows 8 problem... in the end the best result I have obtained is an empty SD (destroyed partition table :-) )
    The Kobo firmware is 3.1.1, thanks for your help.

    [1]An e-reader that cannot format books correctly is garbage IMHO

  50. Nothing I've tried to reset in fabric state but nothing happens!
    Simply the backup does not start, I'm on fw 3.3.0 probably they have fixed the hole, it is possible to downgrade?

    Thanks for your responses...

  51. I too cannot install Android anymore from firmware 3.3.0.
    Has anyone who upgraded found a way around?

  52. Hi! I'm about to purchase a Kobo TOUCH and was wondering that as it doesn't have a Backlight - what button do you press on the TOUCH to get it to Boot into Android?

    Thanks for all the work you've done on this!

  53. In the end I installed Android and it works, it was an SD card issue! Apparently the Sandisk SD was defective indeed now it is only of 8 MB... a new Sony solved the problem...

    A question to Angor if he reads us yet, it is possible to add a sort of boot loader to choose between Nickel, Android and maybe Linux firmware? I fear the light button could broke...

  54. Hi.
    followed the steps for kobo touch, but now i'm stuck in the restarting screen after the backup... backup seems successful though.

    how do you recommend recovery?

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  56. Hi Angor! Thanks for the excellent work. Combining the Kobo's epaper screen with Android's capabilities is really the best of both worlds.

    A question about the SD card: Is there a reason it has to be 8GB or larger? I followed your instructions using a large card (which worked beautifully). But after the whole thing was done I was looking at the card's contents - including the backup - and they seem like they would have easily fit onto a 4GB card.

    I am now in the process of trying to shrink the Kobo partition and move everything to a 4GB card (I have those sitting around, unused in abundance) but haven't had any luck. The Kobo won't boot from the external card. Still boots from the original card just fine.

  57. Please can you help I'm trying to write the Kobo Glo image onto sd card and keep getting an error. I've tried 8GB and 32GB cards but no luck. Also sorry if you get this multiple times but my browser keeps deleting the comment and I'm not sure if it's being sent. Thanks.

  58. Fantastic ! really work on my aura hd ! Thanks!

  59. Are you going to attempt to do this with the new Kobo Aura H2O?

  60. my internet connection stops after 1 min. Strange how i am still connected to the network. Tried turning it off and on and the same thing would happen. Any thought would be appreciated. Thank you beforehand. Neo

  61. The that I downloaded is not recognized as zip-files but as text with very long lines (as is 2014-02-28_Android_Kobo_Aura_HD.7z). None of the unzip programs in Linux or Windows can do anything with them.

    Also I don't understand what you are saying about the partitioning of the SD card. Should I first create partitions with fdisk (if so, how many and how large) and then 'dd' the 2014-02-28_Android_Kobo_Aura_HD.7z to the last one?

    As I am a Linux person, perhaps I do not understand the Windows idiom here :-)


    1. @paai: do not right-click on the download link. open in browser and you should be taken to a dropbox download page

  62. Any idea if this hack will work with Aura h20 now or in the future? Im thinking of buying one..

  63. I would like to have arabic/persian language support. Is there a way to install that ?

  64. I got android up and running on the Kobe Aura HD. Thanks, Angor, whoever you are.

    All in all it doesn't run half bad. OK, screen refresh is ugly (less so in Ereader programs). Battery life is halved (but still it lasts two weeks or so).

    On the other hand, I have a huge collection of books and scientific articles that I want to have with me at all times. The Kobe system could not handle that very well and I got annoyed with the long time needed for updates of the library. The Android system has a much better file handling. I can just select a file in a filemanager, point any of the five Ereader programs to it and Go!


  65. I followed the instructions above and my Kobo Touch n905 (a yard sale find) got stuck on the last screen, the rebooting part, and now seems bricked. Is there any way to unbrick it? I've tried all of the reset combinations I've seen online: power + home, pin in back + home, power alone). Or do I now have a fancy coaster?

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Is there a way to turn off the green led light flashing at the top of the kobo touch

  68. hello brilliant software.
    All Kobo glo and touch (with internal SD Card) do have an ttl port on the motherboard (google for XC soar) so I soldered a gps chip to the board which is nicely recognized using the XC soar software. Using the android surface on the kobo (touch or glo) I installed an app called navigation be on road using open source maps, all of it freeware.
    But here it is not possible to get the gps chip running. The android software does not see the gps on the port ttymxc0.
    Any ideas how to get the gps chip running. Imagin you can use your kobo as gps navigation, great isnt it?

  69. Hi Angor,

    I just tried this on my touch and it doesn't seem to work. Used 16 and 32 gb cards just to make sure. Just boots to Kobo native. I hold down the silver button while booting but nothing. Tried different lengths of time too. Any advice?

  70. Great work Angor!
    I'm using "Smart launcher" since it provides a better ereader feeling (in my opinion) works great for few apps.
    Also, i'm using "root soft keys" instead of button savior.; it is fast and fancy, and more important, it allows to be located anywhere in the screen, solving the problem that button savior is difficult to activate when using at bottom of the screen.
    Finally, i'm using naked browser which is fast (however, sometimes it refuses to reach the browser navbar after it loads a page).

    Now, there are 2 things that are really annoying and reduces functionality. If anybody found how to solve them...
    The first is howto to be able to use the notification bar: a minor annoyance is that it doesn't update the battery status; however it is far more important to find how to display and action on notifications since a lot of apps (including wifi html athentication) works only from.there.
    Second is how to use a custom image for sleeping screen. One of the good things of eink is that screen is useful even without battery and can also be lifesaver: map or address or bank account number. The default german sleepscreen is funny but denies the advantages of an ereader screen.

  71. Great job Dude...!
    Its working like a charm on Kobo Touch. I can boot the device in Kobo OS when I slide the power button, and I can boot in Android mode by pressing the home button and sliding the power on. No problem faced.
    Thanks and regards.

  72. yeah exellent ! my kobo glo begins a new life :) thanks a lot

  73. Is that Android version rooted/ can I ( at least try to) run root apps on it?

  74. Hi Angor,
    this is so great what you did. I would like to start doing my own modifications. Can you give me a link to the sources of your uboot configuration and some hints? How did you achieve getting uboot to react on the light switch? I would like to change that behaviour as my Aura H2O does not have that switch. So I want to make it react on the presence of a bootable sd card in the external slot. Any hints would be appreciated!
    Cheers, Michael

    1. Hi Michael,

      Got any luck modifying the Uboot to work on the Kobo H2O?

  75. Any chance of porting a newer Android over to Kobo?

    Too many apps aren't working anymore with Android 2.2.

  76. Is there a possibility to put an Android version on the Kobo Glo HD?

  77. Hi!
    I recently bought a Kobo Glo with firmware 3.19.5613 and it doesn't pick up the backup udev.tgz or the dual boot. Is there a fix for this version, or in the making?

    Thanks an awful lot!

  78. I have a kobo H2O too, and i don"t know if i can put Android on.
    I hope it's possible.
    Do you know something about it?

  79. I think they may work on Aura non-HD (6")as it uses the same firmware as Aura HD, however there is a risk of bricking the device, as there is no internal SD card. One day maybe I will try, when I don't care if I break it or not, any Aura with brave souls out there want to try?

  80. Hi. Will this android conversion work for KOBO Aura H2O?

  81. Hi. Will this android conversion work for KOBO Aura H2O?

  82. Hi, is there a chance of to install Android on Kobo One?

  83. Wow !!! absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.


  84. Hi! Anyone tried with Kobo ClaraHD? thanks!

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